Wild Time

Wild Time
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Monday, October 29, 2012

November 2012 Schedule

November 5th 2012 - ALL of the 36 species of wild cats deom cheetahs to Tigers are endangered, some of them critically. Reason enough for Wild Time to talk to Babette de Jonge from WILD CATS WORLD about the true state of our wild felines. But animals in the wild are not the only fragile beings. PAWS KUWAIT is an organisation that helps shelter- and stray animals in an area where animal welfare is virtually non existent. WILD TIME's Thomas Janak talked to Manuela Tague about the situation of the animals in Kuwait and about the PAWS shelter that has recently being served with an eviction order.

 November 12th 2012 - In early September a large amount of cats were rescued from slaughter in Shanghai. While this is certainly good news and made for a great headline, it is equally if not more important to move beyond the headlines to see what happens to the cats and what the main issues are in Shanghai. Wild Time therefore spoke to Shanghai resident Philippe Jeangeorges about the issues there. The second hour of today's episode has us explore bull fighting in Portugal as we talk to Rita Silva from "ONG Animal" in Lisbon, who have been fighting this cruel practice for 17 years now.

November 19th 2012 - On this episode of WILD TIME we will have a look at the plight of the native dogs of Bali and their newly imported foreign cousins. Furthermore we will be talking about the “Vegan booze guide” Barnivore before we will chat with cartoonist/activist Phil Watson about his “Shaaark” series.

November 26th 2012 - Filmmaker Ildar Khakimov went to Taiji/Japan this past summer to film a documentary about the ‘Cove Guardians’ . which include the animal rights activists, the local police and more. Ildar talked to Wild Time about his experience. Wild Time also talked to Fiona Munro about the horrors of ‘Foie Gras’