Wild Time

Wild Time
on air time


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Monday, June 27, 2011

July 2011 Schedule

July will be yet another exciting month as we are giving you "food for thought" as we are exploring fasting and raw food diets as well as other things!

July 4th 2011 - The killing of sharks and the state of our oceans: Wild Time had the pleasure of talking to a marine expert who has decades of experience in his field. Meet Erik Brush for a down to earth conversation. When it comes to our oceans and its wildlife it becomes clear rather quickly that we need to act now or we are truly doomed. Do not miss this.

July 11th 2011 - you are what you eat!: Now this is something special and a tad extreme for some BUT fascinating nonetheless. Wild time spoke to Loren Lockman from the Tanglewood Wellness Ctr. in Panama about fasting (and literally not eating for up to six weeks) and clearing out the system. Furthermore, we spoke with the magnificient and radiant Drew McCall Burke about "living raw".

July 18th 2011 - Forbidden Archeology: What IF Darwin was only partially right? What If the human race is much older than most people think and what IF there is even proof out there to support such claims? Well, look no further. Wild Time spoke with Michael Cremo about his book "Forbidden Archeology" and his findings and much more!

July 25th 2011 - The Bhagavad Gita for everybody: On Wild Time we are quite often opening up to spirituality as a means to ultimately save our planet. Listen to a wonderful conversation with Visakha Dasi who found her calling on a mountain top in Nepal in 1971 and changed her life round 100%.

WILD TIME will be on a summer break in August and will be back on air on the first Monday in September 2011.

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