Wild Time

Wild Time
on air time


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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Animal Healing Trust & Horse Rescue ...

... live in the studio.

On November 21st 2011 the 210th edition of Wild Time went out live on air from the TCR FM studio in Tamworth.

It was a night to remember - Sue Gessey and Richard Keogh from the Animal Healing Trust and Horse Rescue were live in the studio to share some insight regarding working with horses and spiritual healing.

Now is also the time when your donations are more than welcome at the trust. Please visit their website to find out how you can donate and what they are all about.

TCR FM also presented Thomas with a certificate of appreciation, calling Wild Time "the most informative show" on the station.

Wild Time host Thomas Janak during the show

Attentive and engaging guests

Station Manager Daniel Hoult, Richard Keogh & Sue Gessey from the animal healing trust and horse rescue and WILD TIME producer/host Thomas Janak

For the next November show see post below


  1. Hey how lovey Thomas to have Sue & Rich on as guests!! they're amazing hey! I'd love to hear the interview, so I wonder if you are gonna post it here on the blog for me and others to download? Many thanks and keep up ur wonderful work:) Love Carrie Eddinsxx

  2. Hi Carrie, not all shows get archived due to space shortage. The show will be repeated on Thursday November 24th from 10pm on www.tcrfm.co.uk

    Love and light

